White's Wycliffe Ministry


How can you be involved?

Wycliffe is a faith-based ministry, which means there is no guaranteed monthly income (salary or stipend). Each member is responsible to develop a team of partners who will pray and give financially to partner with us in the work. This means that we raise up a group of people to pray for us and give toward our ministry and living expenses. We live by faith trusting God to lay it on people's hearts to give to our ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators. This also means that if less than 100% of our quota is received, we simply do not have that money for living expenses that month. Wycliffe does not make up the difference if our support is low. Each year Wycliffe reviews our family make up, situation and location and helps us determine an appropriate monthly support amount (quota) for our family. This is our ministry budget and is what Wycliffe deems necessary for our family to make ends meet and continue in ministry. Would you consider being a part of our Wycliffe ministry through giving?

We are very grateful for the team of people who have partnered with us over the years, giving generously to our ministry, praying for us and encouraging us. If you have been a part of that, we can't thank you enough! Thank you for being a partner with us in bringing God's Word to those who do not have it in their heart language.
man holding open Bible
Image Credit: Elaine Bombay

Become a partner

Many of you already pray for us and give toward our ministry and we are truly thankful for each of you. For those of you who have not yet partnered with us financially or are in a position where you could increase the amount you give, would you consider supporting our Wycliffe ministry through regular giving? Click the button below to give online now or give by mail using the Wycliffe address to the right. Gifts toward our ministry by check must include a note that says, "Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Chad and Becky White". Gifts given by credit card are appreciated. However, we wish you to know that 3% of the donation amount is charged to us for each credit card gift.

Most importantly would you consider becoming a prayer partner? Click the button below to get our newsletters and/or prayer updates. Newsletters go out 2-3 times per year and prayer updates are monthly.

Give Now
Wycliffe logo
Wycliffe accepts tax-deductible contributions by mail at:
Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862
Please include a note that says,
“Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Chad & Becky White”.
Image Credit: Marc Ewell

Where does our support go?

To the left is a graph showing where our support goes when we receive 100% of our quota in a month. The Wycliffe category at 10% is an administrative assessment that Wycliffe deducts off the top of our monthly support. Wycliffe does not cover any part of our insurance, social security and taxes like many employers do. So for example, if we receive $8000 in a month, once all those deductions are taken off the gross gifts received we realize a net income of 60% ($4800) of the total gifts received.

The Savings categories (auto savings, general savings and education) would be accumulated to cover medical, household, auto and education expenses when they arise. Much of the time we end up using money from those categories to pay off credit card debts accrued during months that our income is short of the quota.

Support History

This graph shows in green the actual support we have received over the past 12 months. The black line is the amount that we should receive if we were at 100% support. The red line shows the average income from the previous 12 months indicating whether it is rising or falling. The end of year giving that we often see in December is helpful, but in many years it does not make up for the shortfall throughout the preceding year. Presently we need to increase our monthly support to enable us to continue our work with Wycliffe.